Washi-Tape 1137

Am 08.04.2022 informierte nitto über Lieferengpässe bei Washi-Tape Produkt 7288 (siehe unten).

Sollten Sie nach einer Alternative suchen, bieten wir Ihnen gerne unser Washi-Tape 1137 an. Es bestht aus einem imprägnierten, reißfesten, flachgekreppten Reispapierträger, mit UV-beständigen Acrylkleber.

Wenn Sie Fragen zu Washi-Tapes haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser Vertriebs-Team unter der Tel.: +49 9181 2700-200.

Im Folgenden die Meldung von nitto zu den Lieferengpässen.

With regret we have to inform you that we are forced to stop deliveries of 7288 due to capacity restrictions in our factory in Malaysia.

We are unable to deliver your open orders for 7288, and propose to cancel these orders.

As a counter measure we are developing 7288EU which we will produce in Europe and is based on current
7288 specification. Before the summer break we will be able to provide you samples of 7288EU. Orders for this European made product can be accepted and delivered from Autumn of 2022.

Also still available is yellow washi masking tape MSW-721 which we already produce in Europe. MSW-721
does not cover all applications as 7288 as we only advise it for inside use. Samples are immediately available and we could deliver within a month.

In case of any questions regarding 7288, 7288EU and MSW-721 please refer to OM-Klebetechnik GmbH – Tel. +49 9181 2700-200

Kind regards
Robert Smeets
Strategic Product Manager